
Monday, March 1, 2010

Web Traffic Tip Number Three

Choose a memorable domain name. If you're launching a new site, choose a name people will remember easily.

You may not wish to go to such extreme lengths, but at least ask yourself:"Will people remember my domain name?"At my four main sites, a large percentage of the visitors are people who have remembered the domain name and typed it directly into their browser.

Try to choose a name which won't be confused with similar names. You don't want people typing your competitor's domain name when they’re trying to find your site. has a handy tool to help you choose domain names. Also,you can find a surprising number of good deleted and expired domain names

Web Traffic Tip Number Two

Keep adding fresh, relevant, useful content. According to Google, about half the 2.5 billion searches done a day at Google are for unique, one-off phrases.

The more pages you build full of on-topic material, the better the chances your site will be found. When it comes to keywords, think big. You want your site to be found via. Thousands of different phrases every month. Then you can lure that traffic to your best money-generating pages or to your newsletter sign-up page.

Also, search engines prefer fresh sites which keep gradually adding new content. Don't let your site go stale.

Web Traffic Tip Number One

You must have high quality, unique content if you want long-term,free search engine traffic. This is the most important tip of all. Sadly, it's one which many website owners ignore.

Provide lots of information, keyword-rich, useful content for the search engines and humans to find. You know that search engines are being clogged with junk at an alarming rate.

Owning a large, well established, high quality site is a very solid investment in your future.

These days, even Google's webmaster guidelines advise affiliates to publish "unique and relevant" content.

If you spend time thinking of ways to provide truly useful content that people will talk about, you'll automatically end up with lots of free, one-way links to your site as people recommend it without even being asked to do so.

If your website helps solve problems, they'll love you for it.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Increase Google AdSense Profit

It’s essential to make a website based on a service or a product useful to people. Have useful content. If advertisers have unnecessary visitors who click on their ads, then we are hurting ourselves because these same advertisers would lose money from advertising and will see that the AdSense ads don’t return on their investment.

Make a web site with your own domain name. Don’t use a free hosting service because in your website there will be banners and other types of ads such as pop-ups. Your website will be rejected by Google because of no professionalism.

Place your ads wisely and visible. Don’t place your ads at the bottom of the page, but place them on top so that they can be seen.
Place one group of ads per page. Having multiple ads is worse because the visitor doesn’t like to see dozens of ads on a page.